SwimmingTravel in collaboration with A.S.D. Nuotando con amore and Comune di Castel Gandolfo, will give life to the first edition of the Swimming In Love.
The project was born from the idea of ​​creating a unique event of its kind, for charity and that has a strong social impact for the realities of the territory. Specifically, the heart-shaped path was designed because the ultimate goal of Swimming In Love is to raise funds for the purchase of defibrillators to be donated to the Municipality of Castel Gandolfo and to finance a course that can be used by six operators for the use of the aforementioned defibrillators, in order to ensure greater safety for bathers on the lake.
The characteristic heart-shaped path, (total length of about 2500 m), will be marked by 12 showy colored and floating buoys that will be placed every 300 meters. Referring to the FIN guidelines, open water sector, there will be support boats for swimmers, with a ratio of one for every 12 athletes, a greater number than required by the aforementioned guidelines. All athletes will be covered by an insurance policy specifically stipulated for the event. The departure of the athletes will take place directly in the water, near a clearly visible buoy placed by the organization near the Lagolandia Beach establishment and will be managed by the Sports Association "A.S.D. Nuotando con amore”. The arrival point, as can be seen from the map below, will coincide with the departure point.


The event will be characterized by the presence, on the day of Sunday 05 July 2020 alone, of three races run along the same route, respectively length: 10 km (4 laps), 2.5 km (1 lap) and 800 m (half route, round trip). For each race there is a timing service with chips for each participating athlete.

Scheduled timetable:

  • 07:30 departure for the 10 km
  • 12:00 departure for the 2,5 km
  • 15:00 departure for the 800 mt

For punching, you are requested to arrive at the Lagolandia Beach establishment 45 minutes before the start of the reference race.
The event involves the involvement of eight bathing assistants for each race, in addition to any volunteers for the boats to support and support the swimmers.
During the event, the participation of the Guardia di Finanza, Carabinieri, Civil Protection, Italian Red Cross, Urban Police, a medical staff with the presence of a resuscitator with defibrillator and ambulance, the presence of the Italian Salvation Federation, and associations will also be attended. sports.
The punctual safety plan will be defined after the athletes have registered, when the number of participants will be clear.


The registration fee to participate in the event is equal to €35,00.
Discounts and discounts are provided:

  • For the first 25 members: special price of €25,00
  • From the 26th to the 50th registered: pspecial price of €30,00

Included in the registration fee, a race pack containing the following gadgets will be delivered to each participant:

  • A Swimming In Love T-Shirt
  • The swimming cap of the event
  • Chip MYSDAM
  • Coupon for refreshment after the race

In case of non-performance due to bad weather conditions or other serious causes, the amount paid as registration fee will not be returned. However, the recognition will be delivered in memory of the event.

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