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In consideration of the acceptance of my registration, I hereby, indemnify and all its sponsors, from any claim for damages that may be caused by negligence of one of the parties mentioned during my participation in the event, including the pre and post race. I am physically fit and sufficiently trained to participate in this event and I take all the risks involved in my participation. I accept the regulation and respect it. I also allow to use my name, my contacts, photographs, video images, advertising promotions free of charge.
I ask to be admitted as a member of the ASD Nuotando con Amore association based in Zagarolo, Via Colle Pallone Nuovo 7 - 00039 Tax Code 93023080588. To this end I declare the following: I am aware that membership has no additional cost - To have read the Association's Statute and to fully accept its provisions and to comply with it.To accept without any reservation the decision of the associative bodies regarding the this application.To grant, for association purposes only, consent to the processing of my data in accordance with the privacy legislation, Legislative Decree, coordinated text, 06/30/2003 n° 196, Official Gazette. 29/07/2003 and subsequent amendments made by Legislative Decree 14 September 2015, n. 151 and, subsequently, by Law 7 July 2016, n. 122. View the statute.
Single payment via online platforms (PayPal/Stripe).
Two-step payment by bank transfer divided as follows:
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